Wednesday, May 9, 2007


yeh...dam loads of sarcrsm ther. had the worst day of my life. (note:lots of worst day) dam the soup form the chicken rice stall in dining hall!!!! u knw wat? i had a dam shit diarrhea or lau sai or w/e u call it!!! hell man. in the morn, as i was happily downloading manga, suddenly.....sumtin excreted. omg, went to toilet and shit and banm, lau sai! had to wash my pants =.= HAND-WASH!!!!! of course use a brush. still count. =)) anyways, dang man....stank like hell, thn i went to class....notin happened. weeeeeee, thn, i cme bk, and....well, happily using the comp agen, thnnn well u guessed it. went all over the same tin, except this time it was slightly more watery...hehehehe, well yeh, had to wash my underpants + pants this time. cos my pants got touched by the water a bit. danm, so anyways, wash wash wash! and weeee. im done! dry dry dyr, no smeel? good. no stain? even better! hahaha man, im good. BREEZE. helps out a lot in sticky situations like this. hahahahahhaaha

thn went out fer dinner...ahhhh hell man, ate my med. Lomotil hahahagreat for diarrhea ahahahaha, so rmbr! if u ever haf diarrhea or the like, take Lomotil!

so anyways, did my hwkr. and all tht shit. and yes...lots of shit to do.

andd andd.d...i can finally look forward to malay!!!! haf pretty decent girls!!! XD and i haf at least 2 frens ther as well =))

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