Monday, May 28, 2007

It comes slowly...

Thanks for keeping the blog updated wils XD Least we get an avid blogger on RI to keep it alive with new stuff. Hols is just two weeks away wheeee!! XD I'll be happy when it comes hahahaa.

School is the same as usual, go to reg class, walk to nxt class, break, walk to nxt class, lunch, walk to nxt class, go home. Oh, we had a parents-teachers meet last friday so I had to go because I had duties to do. My post was to welcome the parents into the canteen area and such so I didn't need to run around much, just stand for a LONG time =( Tiring. My mom came and took my report card for me that morning, I got 1 A, 2 Cs and 1 E+. Damn eas ._. Around 9.30 I went to have my break for 10 mins at the other side of the canteen with food reserved for mps only hahahahaha Joy to be one XD So I need not crowd with lots of ppl and the other side was cleaner than the front area of the canteen. Finish around 11.30 I think then went home, change and go gdg to meet eric and mdians I do not know or never met.

On saturday, my cousins came over and I had the best dinner for this month, steak, mashed potatoes, veggies (peas and all tht) and lots more including coughwinecough <_< Ate till I couldn't eat anymore, but there was still desserts and all tht hahaha fruit pudding I think or was that fruit cocktail? Oh wells, I was full so ate one small bowl only hahahaha.

I forgot to mention, just now when I was otw to canteen after my last class, saw a pipe burst near the surau area and the water kept flowing over the surau like it was raining hahahahaha I thought there was a fire at first but saw closely there's no fire truck hahaha. That's all for now bb.


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