had loads of fun, so the day went when i got bored, n thn well, usual stuff...anyways, tried to on my comp, worked but sumhow svchost.exe keeps using loads memory so my comp lagged like nuts. so gt bored and took a nap. HAHAHA but for entertainment! i took my mp3, plugged charger(so wont waste battery) and inserted the PC speaker plug into my mp3 output. HOHOHO, smart eh? now i can full blast my music! hehehehe, well i napped for bout one or two hours? thn Lau called me go Cyber Centre (CC - remember this term, will be using a lot) thn we go play. err, wat is called? skibi's. HAHAHAHA, thn after tht we go makan, n thn go fer STREET PARTY 5 !!!!!!!!!
lotsa food stall, only one game stall though, throw water balloon at this poor dude. haha i bought STREET PARTY 5 T-shirt (RM15, L-size) XD n choco dip strawberry, mint tea, Spicy BBQ Taiwan Sausage (freaking hot & spicy!!!!) hahaha, thn we walked around n around n around.
thn went fer MAZE! hahaha, funny lar. Kum n Ricca go 1st, thn Aiman(?) n Fatimah(?), Lau n Yan Yee, Me n Li Wei n thn Soph n Jared. i thought supposed to be scary but noooo, the 1st time i entered, guess wat? RO music! HAHAHA its....dunno some Glast Heim music i tink, cnt rmbr well XD but yeh. funny lar, we walked around here n ther, thn in the end met up with Lau+Yan Yee n thn Aiman n Fatimah. ahahaha stupid one, so in the end no one gt scared. =.= booooorinnnngggg. thn we went for the 2nd maze, this one is larger n longer but oso fun...stupid thing is we met up agen. =.= HAHAHA the funniest part was, i was taking the lead, thn when i turned into a corner, a 'ghost' on the flashlight n screamed at me. thn i screamed bk at him (nt the scared type but to scare type) n thn the 'ghost' flinched hahahahahaha, funny lar. thn another stupid part was, when we were walking, thn suddenly another 'ghost' appeared from behind and go "wooooooooooo, uggggggg aiaaiaaiiaa" and all thse stuff....thn i was staring at him, n said "eh, u knw wat? ur phone light is on" HAHAHAHAHA stupid guy! well his phone was at his back pocket. thn when he bent to cwarl n touch ppl's leg, the light was shining, sighh....sad case. else wud be fun a bit. XDDD thn we walk walk walk n found the exit. HAHAAHA gt some part i jes stare at a corner when suddenly "BOOOO" hahaha, thn the 'ghost' said "aiii, nt scared ar?" i replied "no....i oredi knw u were ther" HAHAHAHAHA sad case agen. so after we went out, we relaxing waiting for soph n jared. thn while waiting, guess wat? we heard some weird stuff like this group of gals, when the 'ghost' touch their leg. n how they reacted, there were 3 but i onli heard 2.
1) Eh, u Fei Li ar?? (u molester??)
2) *when the 'ghost' touched the leg* this gal start to stomp on this 'ghost's hand....(POOR 'ghost' !!!) must haf hurt a lot eh?
thn we continued with the party. went dancing!! saw Hosea!!! HAHAHA. well, some fight took part but thts all over.
hehe took some pics with my kore frens as well. here u go!
(mebe i shudnt smile? thy make it look like horns? O.O)
so, thn we dancedddd alll night till 1am( from 12am), n thn, we went to TIMES n bought 100plus, hahaha so tired! n i had a beef burger for supper. n thn went bk n hoooooo, bathed n slept like pig. (THNK GOD tht my class starts at 10am)
well, tday had fun as usual! hahahaha, went over to Japh's hse after econs. I LOVE HIS INTERNET!!!! dl at 148KB/s and above and he says its SLOW!!!! WTH???? hahaha well, u knw wat i found out? he cnt use the comp well, he dunno wts limewire, dunno how to use torrent files. and many others, mainly one of them is tht he doesnt watch movies?? and all the songs tht he listens to are christian music?? WOW!!! very very interesting life eh? he told me how his youth pastor says tht watching movie is bad, his father says tht way too. =.= very very interesting dont u tink? and i was telling him how fun it was last night at the maze, n he said sumtin about WWJD? (what would Jesus do?) im like....wat? what does tht haf to do with a maze????!!! he was saying about how bad watching a movie is, tht it flashbacks....i.e. u rmbr the show, thn i told him its the same with music, n he says tht music is is different cos it has Christian lyrics(note: he only listens to Christian music) n how it glorifies God....well i dont argue with tht point but....i dont see his logic u knw? =.= can someone clarify my doubts???!!!
well, thn at Accounts, my teacher was being weird....very! well, i cme lte fer class once cos i had to hand in my eng. assignment. thn anyways, today i hvnt eaten my lunch so i tapau my lunch n ate in clas. thn when teacher cme, she said, Wilson...whats wrong with u? u cme late for my class n nw ur eating in my class..." im like....wat? =.= very ver weird ehh?? anyways, thn at 6, went fer prayer meeting for the 1st time. wasnt as bad as i expected. better actually. ahahahha, thn haf Inti United Nations Club meeting. totally 4got im suposed to be the gameleader. o wlll, lucky Ivy got some games so i lead using her games. haahha, thn ltr had a breifeing, n thn dinner! weeeeeee, thn cme bk here n thn well. did my hwrk and this lo....HAHAHAHAH
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