Wednesday, May 9, 2007

So busy!!

I finally have time to blog. Well 1st asst. is over and I have crappy results which I am not satisfied with. 3 credits with my econs, geo and business and a freaking E for english as. I'm like WTF?!! My first english without credit =( Anyways, Had business field trip on monday to kiulap. We had to interview small businesses and asks them wether the business is small and bladabla. Out of 9 shops we interviewed, only 5 agreed to the interview. The other 4 rejected it, maybe because they thought this interview will critisize them XD Will post up pics as soon as I get them from my business mates.

Sports day, for us, is going to be this sat afternoon at padang belapan near to the swimming pool stadium area so school is gonig to finish around 11 sometihng so that everyone can go for sports day. I'm in charge of ensuring that the participants get to run for their race when it's time and stuff.

Oh thats right, I forgot to mention one thing. I'm now, officially, a majlis pelajar of pte o sumthing like that along with amirul, wei ting, jon tiah and aisyah. So our first task as an mp is to go for sports day. How fun coughsarcasmcough. Least I'm near to the shade, amirul is goign to be in charge of discipline for that day and NO ONE is allowed to leave the stadium until the closing ceremony is over. More like a field trip for prisoners if you ask me. Tiah is going to be the time keeper, right under the hot sun XD wei ting has the same job as me and aisyah is going to be with mirul running around the whole stadium ensuring that the students are...well... disciplined hahahahha

I'm the highest for my business class, tied with yung kit, my business buddy. 21/27 but other classes had like over 23 and stuff so yeah, I'm average. Geo is starting to get interesting, learning about population and it's factor. It's okay but it's the workload that's killing me!! Three whole work given today, all had to be hand-drawn graphs and such to be handed in by monday. My weekends are now cut short to h/w-ing everyday.

Basically, everyone in school is somehow connected to my subs. I had an eas fren who is in the same class as my econs and have a fren in econs who is in the same for my ps, then another fren who is in my geo class from my ps and lastly, a fren from my ps who is in my business class. It's like talking to alot of ppl when going to my classes XD And all my subs are in one block only hahahahaa. Weird eh? So I can just take my time going to my classes whereas everyone has to rush over from block A to block C and so forth. hahahahahaha. That's all for now.


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