Tuesday, May 29, 2007
The Last Breath
Alas, this but a figment of my imagination. Real it may be but it shall drag me down not.
"We're all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars." - Oscar Wilde
Whilst the past haunts me still, the present shall always be here and the future will always be bright. In the past, present and future i shall always be. Always will a part of me drop into something, someone's life, however insignificant it may be, that's where my past is.
You ask "What is the future?". I tell you,"It is the nanosecond that comes when you asked that question, that is future" You wonder,"What is the past?" "The past is the nanosecond that went by while you spent your time figuring out the answer"
My life has been pleasant. Filled with laughter, sadness, joy, tears, insanity, and many more. It is my honor to know that my life has been satisfying, while through sweat and blood, I have passed down a legacy that can live for generations.
I tell you now "Never dwell in the past". An occasional glimpse will you use as a stepping stone towards your future but NEVER dwell in the past. Life is too short for such a trivial thing, live life to the fullest! Always live life as it were your last! Smile through your sadness, smile through your pain!
Here are several words of wisdom :-
"We must all hang together or else we shall hang separately" - Benjamin Franklin
"Iron sharpens iron, but lead will sink you to the bottom" - Pat Mesiti
"There are no problems we cannot solve together, and very few that we can solve by ourselves" - Lyndon Baines Johnson
"Talent without humility is like a drunk at the wheel of a car-it's just an accident waiting to happen" - a guy once said
"A single arrow is easily broken but not in a bundle of ten"- Pat Mesiti
"It is important to know that each small step is the result of one big thought"-Pat Mesiti
"The only thing more painful than learning from experience, and that is not learning from experience" - Archibald Macleish
"Perfection is never the goal in life-excellence is" - Pat Mesiti
Many more to come, especially in the future! So always look ahead! Never look down to the sad gray tar-filled road! Look to the bright blue sky! Look towards the horizon! Face the world! Show them that your pride is still there! Show them that nothing can extinguish the passion that burns evermore in your spirit!
As long as I live, I will always look towards to world with a proud face! Never again will I allow my emotions to control me.
Wilson Lee [Nephesh]
Monday, May 28, 2007
>_>(repost,somethign went wrong i dunno wat>.<)
jeremy was acting all tough guy on the weights ahahah >.
tomoro suppose to be my off day from gym but i finish chem at 2.30 since no pracs..soo go lo..ahahaha gona do cardiovascular exercises tomoro.first.then went to net land after gym played cs..lol the most funny event was that in speedrun i climbed on ricky over the wall then kinglin rush our side killed ricky and then i killed him while on the wall..lol.ricky was like 'CB,climb up wall agen let me die!'LOL.then palyed tiberium wars with ricky king n jason..me n ricky against king n jason..lol.jason used scrin..i rushed him with 6 apcs filled with rockets and 3 predators tanks n 2 mamoth tanks..went through his side entrance easy XDi got snipers to kill his anti tankt roops..lol.then went on to king's base so heavily defended by obelisks -.-..i got my commando into place then asked ricky to ion cannon his pwer plants then got my commando in and bombed the base to hell..lol king sent his 10 avatars(giant robots)i emp them and use my commando to blow all 10 of them one by one XD one man army..wooooo.LOLfunnn..anyway gona do hw soon ..haiz so many ahaha gona be up late XD.wils play tribalwars (www.tribalwars.net) kel u too.lol BTW my mpr results are out i got BBBC..LOL..Eas-B,BIO-C,CHem-B(i dont know how the hell i get this,LOL),MATHS-B.not bad not bad at all.LOL..
Eric 'Raven' Lim
the word NEPHESH basically means soul in Biblical Hebrew and thus im actually pouring out my true emotions here. therefore giving birth to the word NEPHESH.
on to the story.
INTI BALL is nearing and...i've yet to get a date. so i asked with lots of courage and....BAM, guess what? REJECTED! well, its not a total lost. it's just....hurting you know? so much that i want to cry. however! its not that im in love with her or anything, its just the 1st time asking a girl out for prom and....well hurts so much....sigh....
CANT DWELL ON THE PAST! dwelling on the past only drags you down. use these mistakes as a stepping stone to the future!
anyways, still kinda emo now. but ill be back ONLINE tomorrow morning! no sense living in regret all my life.
OHHH!!!!! and another thing. i kinda lost my pendrive? HAHAHAHAHAHA i cant remember where i left it. so yeh!
It comes slowly...
School is the same as usual, go to reg class, walk to nxt class, break, walk to nxt class, lunch, walk to nxt class, go home. Oh, we had a parents-teachers meet last friday so I had to go because I had duties to do. My post was to welcome the parents into the canteen area and such so I didn't need to run around much, just stand for a LONG time =( Tiring. My mom came and took my report card for me that morning, I got 1 A, 2 Cs and 1 E+. Damn eas ._. Around 9.30 I went to have my break for 10 mins at the other side of the canteen with food reserved for mps only hahahahaha Joy to be one XD So I need not crowd with lots of ppl and the other side was cleaner than the front area of the canteen. Finish around 11.30 I think then went home, change and go gdg to meet eric and mdians I do not know or never met.
On saturday, my cousins came over and I had the best dinner for this month, steak, mashed potatoes, veggies (peas and all tht) and lots more including coughwinecough <_< Ate till I couldn't eat anymore, but there was still desserts and all tht hahaha fruit pudding I think or was that fruit cocktail? Oh wells, I was full so ate one small bowl only hahahaha.
I forgot to mention, just now when I was otw to canteen after my last class, saw a pipe burst near the surau area and the water kept flowing over the surau like it was raining hahahahaha I thought there was a fire at first but saw closely there's no fire truck hahaha. That's all for now bb.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
The feelings of ANIMA
To my 1st girl-friend (note: its girl-friend, not girlfriend i.e. no sort of lovey-dovey relationship) that I made in INTI. It’s been long since we've last chatted. When we chat, things sounded ok, but when I see u over the week, there’s a glint of sadness in your eyes that can envelope the light. Well, I don’t know much or rather I don’t know anything but I pray that you’ll get better soon in whatever problems you have. I know I’m not someone to confide your problems to so I’ll do the best thing I can, i.e. pray for you, in honor of our friendship.
Proverbs 3: 5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and learn not onto your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path.
Prayer is a powerful thing. While praying, the answer doesn’t come automatically. While God heard your prayer, it still takes time for the answer to reach you. This is because the devil always tries to stop God’s answers from reaching you. In the book of Daniel, it took 21days for God’s answer to reach Daniel as the Prince of Persia tried to stop the angel from reaching him. So I want to encourage you, do not lose heart. Pray consistently and fervently. God hears and He answers. Never lose hope. Do not doubt God.
Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know his power
In quietness and trust
(taken from: Still – Hillsongs)
It's You who heals and forgives
It's You Jesus I believe
You are God
You're the God of miracles
You're the God that makes me whole
and I will worship
I will worship you
(taken from: God of Miracles – Planetshakers)
I don’t know if you will be reading my blog but…this is what I can do. Whenever something important happens, when a situation happens, even if I’m not related to it, it still pains my heart to see it happen. Even when I’m broken-hearted, even when I’m depressed, God is there for me. So seek Him.
Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
I know you believe in Him and trust him. But this is just an advice. Heed it if you will, I have no position to do say anything on your choice. Peace
God bless.
Wilson Lee (in ANIMA state)
Thursday, May 24, 2007
had loads of fun, so the day went when i got bored, n thn well, usual stuff...anyways, tried to on my comp, worked but sumhow svchost.exe keeps using loads memory so my comp lagged like nuts. so gt bored and took a nap. HAHAHA but for entertainment! i took my mp3, plugged charger(so wont waste battery) and inserted the PC speaker plug into my mp3 output. HOHOHO, smart eh? now i can full blast my music! hehehehe, well i napped for bout one or two hours? thn Lau called me go Cyber Centre (CC - remember this term, will be using a lot) thn we go play. err, wat is called? skibi's. HAHAHAHA, thn after tht we go makan, n thn go fer STREET PARTY 5 !!!!!!!!!
lotsa food stall, only one game stall though, throw water balloon at this poor dude. haha i bought STREET PARTY 5 T-shirt (RM15, L-size) XD n choco dip strawberry, mint tea, Spicy BBQ Taiwan Sausage (freaking hot & spicy!!!!) hahaha, thn we walked around n around n around.
thn went fer MAZE! hahaha, funny lar. Kum n Ricca go 1st, thn Aiman(?) n Fatimah(?), Lau n Yan Yee, Me n Li Wei n thn Soph n Jared. i thought supposed to be scary but noooo, the 1st time i entered, guess wat? RO music! HAHAHA its....dunno some Glast Heim music i tink, cnt rmbr well XD but yeh. funny lar, we walked around here n ther, thn in the end met up with Lau+Yan Yee n thn Aiman n Fatimah. ahahaha stupid one, so in the end no one gt scared. =.= booooorinnnngggg. thn we went for the 2nd maze, this one is larger n longer but oso fun...stupid thing is we met up agen. =.= HAHAHA the funniest part was, i was taking the lead, thn when i turned into a corner, a 'ghost' on the flashlight n screamed at me. thn i screamed bk at him (nt the scared type but to scare type) n thn the 'ghost' flinched hahahahahaha, funny lar. thn another stupid part was, when we were walking, thn suddenly another 'ghost' appeared from behind and go "wooooooooooo, uggggggg aiaaiaaiiaa" and all thse stuff....thn i was staring at him, n said "eh, u knw wat? ur phone light is on" HAHAHAHAHA stupid guy! well his phone was at his back pocket. thn when he bent to cwarl n touch ppl's leg, the light was shining, sighh....sad case. else wud be fun a bit. XDDD thn we walk walk walk n found the exit. HAHAAHA gt some part i jes stare at a corner when suddenly "BOOOO" hahaha, thn the 'ghost' said "aiii, nt scared ar?" i replied "no....i oredi knw u were ther" HAHAHAHAHA sad case agen. so after we went out, we relaxing waiting for soph n jared. thn while waiting, guess wat? we heard some weird stuff like this group of gals, when the 'ghost' touch their leg. n how they reacted, there were 3 but i onli heard 2.
1) Eh, u Fei Li ar?? (u molester??)
2) *when the 'ghost' touched the leg* this gal start to stomp on this 'ghost's hand....(POOR 'ghost' !!!) must haf hurt a lot eh?
thn we continued with the party. went dancing!! saw Hosea!!! HAHAHA. well, some fight took part but thts all over.
hehe took some pics with my kore frens as well. here u go!
(mebe i shudnt smile? thy make it look like horns? O.O)
so, thn we dancedddd alll night till 1am( from 12am), n thn, we went to TIMES n bought 100plus, hahaha so tired! n i had a beef burger for supper. n thn went bk n hoooooo, bathed n slept like pig. (THNK GOD tht my class starts at 10am)
well, tday had fun as usual! hahahaha, went over to Japh's hse after econs. I LOVE HIS INTERNET!!!! dl at 148KB/s and above and he says its SLOW!!!! WTH???? hahaha well, u knw wat i found out? he cnt use the comp well, he dunno wts limewire, dunno how to use torrent files. and many others, mainly one of them is tht he doesnt watch movies?? and all the songs tht he listens to are christian music?? WOW!!! very very interesting life eh? he told me how his youth pastor says tht watching movie is bad, his father says tht way too. =.= very very interesting dont u tink? and i was telling him how fun it was last night at the maze, n he said sumtin about WWJD? (what would Jesus do?) im like....wat? what does tht haf to do with a maze????!!! he was saying about how bad watching a movie is, tht it flashbacks....i.e. u rmbr the show, thn i told him its the same with music, n he says tht music is is different cos it has Christian lyrics(note: he only listens to Christian music) n how it glorifies God....well i dont argue with tht point but....i dont see his logic u knw? =.= can someone clarify my doubts???!!!
well, thn at Accounts, my teacher was being weird....very! well, i cme lte fer class once cos i had to hand in my eng. assignment. thn anyways, today i hvnt eaten my lunch so i tapau my lunch n ate in clas. thn when teacher cme, she said, Wilson...whats wrong with u? u cme late for my class n nw ur eating in my class..." im like....wat? =.= very ver weird ehh?? anyways, thn at 6, went fer prayer meeting for the 1st time. wasnt as bad as i expected. better actually. ahahahha, thn haf Inti United Nations Club meeting. totally 4got im suposed to be the gameleader. o wlll, lucky Ivy got some games so i lead using her games. haahha, thn ltr had a breifeing, n thn dinner! weeeeeee, thn cme bk here n thn well. did my hwrk and this lo....HAHAHAHAH
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Monday, May 21, 2007
hohoho, so why is the title this way? well, for several reasons
1) im sorry tht i dint blog fer the past few days? well cos i gt a mountain load of work to be done
2) i still haf a mountain load of work to do, nt finished yt. =.=
3) EMERGE 2007 - Singapore! im going ther!! hahaha, gonna miss 3 lessons =.= 1 econs and 2 accounts. and its gonna be next week 31st of May - 3rd of June. HOHOHO mebe if gt chance i go visit Chloe. summary of the event: church conference, a camp, DOTA/CS tournament, Paintball shootout, Shirt Design Competition, etc. many more events which i gt lazy to read LAWL.
4) STREET PARTY 2007!!!!! happening two days from now. 23rd of May(Wednesday). gonna party alll nightt!!! maybe....
5) Pirates of the Caribbean!!! tsk so unorganised, dunno if we're actually going down this sat. so little ppl interested in going. =.=
6) Good news! Having an annoying time when Windows Media Player 9 keeps popping up prompting u to update it? Tired of using Internet Explorer 6? Want a better security and get access to all software/programs/updates available for windows? Fear not! Finally a solution has come out. The following will be step-by-step instructions to make your Microsoft GENU*NE!!! YES! u read it right! GENU*NE!!!!
original site: h4x0rrox
[for instant viewing jes scroll down. its exactly the same steps.]
Solution For your p*rated w*ndow which need to Genu*ne
1. Download http://rapidshare.com/files/12523333/GenuineWindowsPatcher.zip.html which contains Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder v1.51 (keyfinder.exe), Microsoft Genuine Advantage Diagnostics Tool 1.5.0717.0 (MGADiag.exe), wga-hosts-fix 0.1 (wga-fix.exe), and Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 VLK key generator (MSKey.exe or Windows XP Keygen.exe).
2. Extract the zip file.
3. Run the Windows XP/2003 key generator (MSKey.exe or Windows XP Keygen.exe).
4. In the key generator, under the Product Family, select “Windows XP Pro. VLK”, and click the “Generate” button to generate a valid and genuine serial key for Windows XP (choose Windows Server 2003 VLK for Windows 2003).
5. Note down the product key or serial that is generated (can leave the program opens). The idea is to get VLK key that yet to be blocked or unknown to Microsoft.
6. Execute Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder (keyfinder.exe)
7. Once launched, Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder will display the existing Windows and Office product key in the system. Select “Microsoft Windows” tab (open by default), and click on Options menu, and then select “Change Windows Key”.
8. In the Change Microsoft Windows XP Key window, key in the product key or serial number generated from the keygen program in the boxes.
9. Click on Change button when done.
10. Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder will use Microsoft’s WMI script to change the product key of Windows XP. Follow on screen instruction to continue.
11. Run wga-fix.exe program. Click on Yes button on the ‘wga-host-fix 0.1 window’ to redirect WGA authorization and validation request to loopback address ( Alternatively
- open Command Prompt
- type “ cd\ “ to go to your primary partition.
- type “ cd windows\system32\drivers\etc “ to navigate to \Windows\System32\drivers\etc\ directory,
- type “ dir “ to list the host file
- Check the host file name, host file will be “ hosts , hosts1.bak , etc”
for hosts1.bak type “edit hosts1.bak”
for hosts “edit hosts”
- you’ll see the following line at the end of the file
“ localhost “
- replace with the following
” mpa.one.microsoft.com “
- Click " File > Save "
- Exit command prompt
12. Uninstall or delete any cracked or patched LegitCheckControl.dll, WgaTray.exe and WgaLogon.dll located in \Windows\System32 folder. (LegitCheckControl.dll can be delete, WgaTray.exe and WgaLogon.dll need to delete under safe mode)
- booting up with safe mode, press “ F8 “ when your system restart.
- Choose the “Safe Mode” and press enter.
- After you delete boot up your system to normal window.
13. Go to Windows (Microsoft) Updates to download updates or applications in which require validation. Install WGA Validation Tool ActiveX when prompted.
14. Run the Microsoft Genuine Validation Diagnostic Tool (MGADiag.exe), and click on Continue button to proceed.
15. Click on OK when MGADiag finishes processing and displays your genuine status. The status should show GENUINE, and not NOT ACTIVATED.
Have fun, cr4cking~~
[end of transmission...]
note: this wasn't found out by me. i searched through a forum and saw it. PERSONALLY tested it and IS working. Yes....WORKING!!! no hacks, no virus, no spyware!
7) now wasnt tht fun? hohoho, i had fun changing mine. took me less than 10mins to get the whole thing done. downloads on WMP11 and IE7 took longer cos my net sucks! EBB sucks!!
8) yes...although im on msn, but somehow "msg cudnt be sent" stuff keeps appearing so yes, EBB sucks!
9) so now i haf WMP11 , IE7 and am currently updating my windows! hahahahahah
10) and i've joined this forum created by the Christian fellowship in INTI its called Icm CF Forum. [apparently it stands for Inti Christian Malaysia Christian Fellowship Forum] how lame eh? why INTI? or why Malaysia....=.= link to the site: Icm_CF Forum
OK! so...i most prolly wont be blogging for the next few weeks...and how time flies...its almost the middle of the year! hahaha.
ah yes.
a last reminder. When ur bored with nothing better to do, do try out (6) it works! ok? trust me.
Feedbacks would be nice as well! hehehehe
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Thursday, May 17, 2007
They grow in numbers...
A few days ago, when I went in for my econs, the tutor asks us to stand up and then announce that we are now members of the ECA which stands for economic conference academy or sumthing like that hahaha. We also get posts and names for our group and our econs group is called L207 and we each get ranks to prove who's the better econs student. My rank is currently L/C that is, left colonel or sumthing else ( i forgot =P) and those who fail econs or get lower than 50 gets private hahaha. The tutor then proudly announces that he's the "grand commander" or sumthing like it hahaha XD how unfair to us all and he says that he's glad we have volunteered to joined the ECA (it's actually forced to like national service for econs students) hahaha.
Probably going to kl during the june hols cause my dad wants to show us new places somewhere near penang. Hope I get sumthing new while I'm there XD My back hurts due to the amount of work I have to do in school but hey, I'm getting exercise at the same time XD Carrying tables and chairs to arrange for the upper six exams in june hahha Least its over, for now, cause I bet have to carry them back again when the exams are over lol. That's all for now.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
good/bad =/
Eas class agen zzzz..listen ppl..i used to like english i liked it..notice the past tense...lol..because of a certain oo lang..haizz.beh song everytime go in to EAs class then he comes in..it seems he emits an aura of annoyance,lameness and stupidity all rolled into one devastating area of effect.jeremy told me that he n oo lang were talking abt the advertisement of one group in EAS abt an aston martin car..how its fast and all that
the conversation is as follows according to wat i heard:
jeremy:it still cant beat the bluebird of the desert(some car,suposedly to be thef astest in the world)
oo lang:what?!!that aston martin cant go in the desert.....
i was like wtf?!!do you ppl see the stupidity...A desert doesnt neccesarily mean endless waves of sand some got roads..omg.chin gong ah..well,..moving on to far mroe pleasant things..lols jeremy
taht basted walked into EAS class with the choco bar i gave him lol and he ate it infront of the girls 'slowly' going mmmmmm.>_> lol.after taht went to bio class wasnt so bad ..at least i din feel tired at the end of it..then maths where puchong kia(ricky) siaw liam with teacher agen lols.so funny.went to toilet after that..saw a lizard in the cubicle..lol i was like wth is making that noise then i saw the lizard .i waslike woah! its not the ordinary lizard its the tree liazrd or jungle lizard thingy lol..i looked away then it was gone..lols fast little buggers.after taht went to eat lunch after chatting a while with marcus n denice at the admin area..lols denice complain complain abt the tudong..lol.waste of fabric and time the tudong if u ask me.then had chem class..decided shar elocker with jeremy easier to move around lols.increase movespeed XD.for chem we had to find out wat cation n anion were in the solution and write down the test and observation n deduction..wasnt so bad,finished earlier than expected.then went to netland after that with jeremy played cs..lol with brandon they all and the SA..XD.then me n jeremy played cc3 we finaly beat hard scrin in unfair advantage yesssss..lol..take that asholic scrin.then i went to register for fitness zone gym..finally a member of fitness zone lols..got a not so bad bag..handy^^.then went home blabla bath played pc game until now..lol.ate small dinner..then decided to bloggy..nothing exciting in md today exceptfor a Cs tourney..lol..jeff pang tze yang and daniel tan chia chee can win handsdown no prob at all lols.it sonly a 2 on 2 ..>_> swt 10 registration fee agen..they din even tell the prize money..no one of the chinatown ppl join lols..
that is all for now..
Eric 'bored' Lim
Monday, May 14, 2007
sooooooo, well, i did say hello to (3) in church but tht was all, i tink we were supposed to shake hands or sumtin but somehow we hesitated....o well, so after tht she kinda talked to (2) and started laughing? O.O thn we were walking to ATTRIBUTES a chirstian bookshop, cos them kore's wanted to go and also another group of new ppl wanted to go as well. im planning on buying a new bible...hehehe, oh and...so we were leaving see? thn for some reason (1) was opening the door for us...and cos im the last one, i said thnx to her. thn...thy started laughing...i tink its cos i was like dam shy or sumtin...dunno o, thn (1) said helo which i also replied helo bk, and thn she intro herself as Wan-Ju(? nt sure if its spelled this way) thn i said im Wilson,thn she said go on...or sumtin like tht cos we were the last group, thn i said...ok...so i moved infront of em, walked in my usual dead/zombie pace. heheheh, anyways, thn i keep hearing thm talkin n laughin...wonder why? LOL. but anyways....thy left with Amelia to somewhere for shopin. sigh...at least i knw one of their name... hehehehe.
thn otw bk, dam tired...hhahaha, so bloody hot as well, anyways i found out tht Jenna and Varsha were both 1986 O.o hahaha i was like...are u serious? ur jokin! cos thy dont..heeheh, thn thy were tokin bout bf gf stuff, gossip....nt interested lar, thn took a nap....hehehehee, well...notin much lor, thn cme bk, and tried to do interview bt knot, thn went out fer dinner. thn met bryan otw bk, chat with him, thn cme bk, washed clothes, did my interview and thn slept. hehehehe thts about it
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Saturday, May 12, 2007
Tiring day.
Wei ting was absent, sick maybe? hahaha. So I'm the only one left to do the duties with the senior mp (majlis pelajar) Had to ensure that the runners are present and at the starting line when the race begins. Had to run from one end to the other, but least it wasn't that difficult to find the runners. Hahahahaa. So there's the opening ceremony with the senior mps doing march past along with the individual houses doing the same thing. I wasn't involved cause I had my duties to attend to.
After all the races are done, the winner for this year is indera makhota. Sucks to be in wijaya, the worst house for sports but oh well, what to do. It ended around 4 sumthing just when my car came in time to pick me up. Now just had my shower and going to have buffet with my cousins at some restaurant later around 7. Hahahahah. I'm going to eat a LOT man, hadn't eaten lunch since 11 am just now. Was busy preparing for sports day. That's all for now.
Friday, May 11, 2007
SO!!!! dang....no creative titles to be on
06 30, woke up n folowed him off to KLIA. fun? u tell me.
07 40, reached KLIA, checked in. encountered problems.
08 00, went over to McD fer breakfast.
09 00, saw him off, Ivy cried.
09 15, bought Swiss Liqueur Chocolate - Goldkenn(Switzerland)
09 30, went into bus
09 45, reached campus
10 00, econs class. handed out survey.
12 00, lunch! dint eat, stomach problems.
14 00, went bk to room, relaxed
15 00-16 00, napped
16 45, chated with frens, surfed frenster
15 00, checked out www.cosplaynews.com . as a teaser. ill post a few pics.


now....i bet some of u will be...."Wilson, wat a hamsap guy" hahaha but anywayyyyy. so ther u go. some pics.
19 00, dinner
20 00 went to netcom, cyber centre, cc, w/e it is.
21 00, cme bk n washed clothes.
23.30 finished washing, bathin and brushin. a fren called fer some weird reason...no one to chat with. thn we jes chat chat chat while i continue with cosplaynew.com and frenster.
00 15, went to sleep
now i bet u're wondering...wat a weird way of posting. but i got lazy...and this is more clear and simple. unless i haf sumti to elaborate yes i will
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Tis a bad day....
chicken nice n big,be it wing or drumstick,rice is sufficient..now the problem is those cheap B@st$%s put em in small plastic containers..the ones Md or PTE uses,,the flat one..aiyaiyaiyai..
its not closed properly some more got flys patrolling the area waiting for some unsuspecting people to create an opening(multiple openings already provided courtesy of canteen ppl)and dive in..>_> seriously just when you thought things are finally looking up..they start to fall again..haiz.
after eating(made sure wat i ate is clean...),went to EAS class..its fun except for one thing ...or rather someone people who i spend time with in my ps KNOWS who im talking about..i will now proceed to speak in the hokkien dialect of the chinese language..LOL..bear with my spelling:
oo oh lang ti wa eh EAs class ..chau ke be si ah..jeremy pun kong, wa lang beh tahan e..chin chut seh eh.ta ta pai kong eh tang cho wan liao presentation.ta ta pai pun kong 'its morphing time'.chin lame ah.chee yi eh su e ah. chin cha lagi.kong chin choi eh,e eh attitude chin kanasai,chin siang heh geh abu/andrew.W,aiyohh beh tahan eh.
lools >_>,,my simplified hokkien XD.after EAs got bio..i finally got back my bio test results..urk got 33 over 55,not bad really considering its 60% <_
thats few of the scripts..LOL..after taht went home after dropping jason off.then went shower watch tv..palyed some pc game..and then writing this LOLS.wakak waka.gona go sleeps now.bb
Eric 'Tired' Lim
remember...buy BREEZE. helps out a lot in sticky situations like this. hahahahahhaaha
thn went out fer dinner...ahhhh hell man, ate my med. Lomotil hahahagreat for diarrhea ahahahaha, so rmbr! if u ever haf diarrhea or the like, take Lomotil!
so anyways, did my hwkr. and all tht shit. and yes...lots of shit to do.
andd andd.d...i can finally look forward to malay!!!! haf pretty decent girls!!! XD and i haf at least 2 frens ther as well =))
So busy!!
Sports day, for us, is going to be this sat afternoon at padang belapan near to the swimming pool stadium area so school is gonig to finish around 11 sometihng so that everyone can go for sports day. I'm in charge of ensuring that the participants get to run for their race when it's time and stuff.
Oh thats right, I forgot to mention one thing. I'm now, officially, a majlis pelajar of pte o sumthing like that along with amirul, wei ting, jon tiah and aisyah. So our first task as an mp is to go for sports day. How fun coughsarcasmcough. Least I'm near to the shade, amirul is goign to be in charge of discipline for that day and NO ONE is allowed to leave the stadium until the closing ceremony is over. More like a field trip for prisoners if you ask me. Tiah is going to be the time keeper, right under the hot sun XD wei ting has the same job as me and aisyah is going to be with mirul running around the whole stadium ensuring that the students are...well... disciplined hahahahha
I'm the highest for my business class, tied with yung kit, my business buddy. 21/27 but other classes had like over 23 and stuff so yeah, I'm average. Geo is starting to get interesting, learning about population and it's factor. It's okay but it's the workload that's killing me!! Three whole work given today, all had to be hand-drawn graphs and such to be handed in by monday. My weekends are now cut short to h/w-ing everyday.
Basically, everyone in school is somehow connected to my subs. I had an eas fren who is in the same class as my econs and have a fren in econs who is in the same for my ps, then another fren who is in my geo class from my ps and lastly, a fren from my ps who is in my business class. It's like talking to alot of ppl when going to my classes XD And all my subs are in one block only hahahahaa. Weird eh? So I can just take my time going to my classes whereas everyone has to rush over from block A to block C and so forth. hahahahahaha. That's all for now.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
well, lazy things are kickin up, gonna sleep
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Monday, May 7, 2007
btw, it oredi in the AMs here, so yeh, dead tired
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Sunday, May 6, 2007
sooooooooooo, anyways, lemme tell u wat happened on friday. it was another shit day. i slaved to complete my assignments and jesss when i was gonna pass it up. ok her's the situation. i took my files locked the door and went out. a few steps and BAM realised no key. ZOMG!!!!! so i went to pass up my work 1st, thn told my teacher my situation. thn BAM remembered Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. hahahha so i decided to pick the lock(padlock) and went around asking for hairpins or the sort. a lecturer gave me safety pin. ahahahaha he sounded like an expert or sumtin. XD so anyway....so i picked the lock...pick pick pick. hell, when the other ppl were walkin by me, hahahahaa they htough i was some kind of thief and called the security up.XD (im livin in 1st floor) thn had to explain its my room and all tht jazz. sighh...waste my time. thn i gave up and went to Accommodation Office to ask for spare key and break my lock T-T had to buy a new lock for $10.90. sucksss hahahahaha so yeh
anyways, bk to yesterday. so when i woke up, it was about 8? i bathed n all tht shit, and so lonely...i went down to midvalley myself. hahahahaha despo to watch spiderman 3 i guess?
right...anyways left at 9, reached at 11, lined up until 12 to get my ticket which apparently starts at 3. haiz wat to do man...so sad. so i walked around and wooohooooin the centre court of midvalley. FASHION SHOW!!!! wweeeee (note: no lunch eaten so i jes bought gelato ice-cream dammm nice)
the title was Fashioninmotion(The Midvalley Fashion Week) and the 1st designs were by Plastic. (dunno by ok)thn they started with capoera? w/e tht is, the south american moves thingy like the one Eddy uses in Tekken. anywas, thn the show started! weee hot and sexy galss man. so the show goess on. sigh, haf one design fer girl (hat, long sleeve T, mini skirt) quite nice u knw? ther's oso one design, the guy worse no top, and showed off his body muscles...hahaha dang man, ike 4pack or sumtin? XD. so the show ended at 1. next show at 2. so i lepak abit, went to MPH and read some books. would buy but no cash. hahahahaha thn so read a comic book on Spawn. ahahah dam nice book. anyways, thn i went bk to the show. now its by Giordano. they show punk style. (vest, tie, tee's, glove, belt, jeans, high boots) hahaha all blk n white of cos. ther's oso rainwear and casual and so on w/e u see in fashion shows. thn the new thing to the show is little kids! hahahahaah two kid models,one guy one gal. mebe around 8 fer the girls and 6 for the guy? so anyways, the guy walk like he cari pasal only ahahahhaa thn the girl...okok lo, i tink she will be real pretty if kept right in the future. then hor, one of the design (blakc/white semi-striped top, bow tie, gloves(female ones), high boots, black jeans/pants?) nice nice one...
so anywyas, i bet most of u will be WTH is this guy tokin about?hahahaa simple im explainin why must things happen when i do not haf my own camera? nuts!!!! this sucks. haahaha
so anyways, the show ended at 2.30. i went over to GSC which is at the osuth block and get my movie. andddd, thn i went in watched the movie. since kel spoiled it. ill add in some personal opinion. i tink its beter thn the 1st or 2nd butt the part wher peter wore the blk suit and becomes cool. wat pretty laammmee. ahhaha no offence. but when eh danced with gwen stacy. dang tht was hot. right....and u knw wat... the dudes behind me...he was making some "ugg...oohh...uhhhh" kinda sound? u knw? like having and orgasm or sumtin....i was like...wtf? i dunno wa are guys tinkin nowadays. anyways, it was cool overall, except the part of petey being lame. ah yes, the ending sucsk as well.huh!
ok, so after the movie i wnt bk to INTI, slept most of the way through, lucky got some eye-candy to keep me awake. hahaha, thn, after tht, i say Ivy n Anthony on the road(hint hint) hehehee, anyways, n thn i went bk, and thn, had to pick soph up, but nooooo Johnny forgot...so i smsed soph n ask her to use taxi, cos if i go waste time nia. anyways, thn...i watched Mr. Bean ultimate disaster. hehehe, right n thn washed clothes n baths and went to sleep. XD
overall day: Good and extremely bad = not good
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Saturday, May 5, 2007
Free!! (Possibly long blog)
My business class is having a field trip to kiulap next week's monday. We're going to interview random shop managers and owners about their business. I'm in yvonne's group and we're going to interview KFC I think hahahaha. Hopefully, the owners and managers will cooperate because the teacher told us that last year there were a few owners who were annoyed with the interviews. Hope everything goes well and smooth ^.^
In other news, I went out to gdg with markus,brendon,eric and jas to watch spiderman 3. I went to eric's place in the morning then his mom send us both to gdg around 9+. Went to eat kolo mee then go and buy tickets at mall. We were charged 50c extra just for stickers for car windows even if we don't want it *coughripoffcough* Lucky there were still seats available and it's row F. We went there very early when the counter was just opening. ivan chin was suppose to come with us too but he's busy. So after buying the tickets, went to the new internet place near mac. donald called netland is it? hahaha Jas was already there, crazy dude addicted to computers. Played cc3 tiberium wars for my second time. I always lose first =( Saw drew,dan and kuok there too so played cs for some time then went to watch the movie.
Met brendon at mall cineplex then bought pepsi while they buy popcorn and such then went in for the movie.
Now SPOILERS (scroll past the next few paragraphs if you don't wanna be spoiled of the film)
The movies was awesome especially the fight scenes but there were some other lame parts such as when peter was wearing the black suit. He started feeling happy because he was manipulated by it's powers and dance, bought new clothes and act as if he's cool (well he is but this 'cool' was lame) hahahaha The best parts was when he was fighting with harry being the second green goblin and sandman. The fight scenes with venom was quite short and near to the end.
There were also some funny parts such as when peter was acting 'cool' with his boss at the office and pretty much about the boss. Sandman was great, probably invulnerable, but was fun to watch him fight spidey. Venom talks too much, revealing his human face (brock) and covering back into venom. The parts near to the end made me pitied harry. Half of his face was deformed because of spidey and yet he still helped him fought against venom and sandman. In the end, he dies trying to save spidey and venom was disintegrated by one of harry's goblin grenades. The sandman flew somewhere I don't know and the movie ends with peter meeting mary at a bar which she works as a waitress and a singer.
I've been busy in school. Have geo h/w to do and things to attend to. I need a good night's sleep. I'm starting to get headaches and sore eyes. Btw if you want to know the OST for spiderman 3, it's Signal Fire by Snow Patrol.
And this is the lyrics sheet:
The perfect words never crossed my mind,
'cause there was nothing in there but you,
I felt every ounce of me screaming out,
But the sound was trapped deep in me,
All I wanted just spin right past me,
While I was rooted fast to the earth,
I could be stuck here for a thousand years,
Without your arms to drag me out,
There you are standing right in front of me (x2)
All this here falls away to leave me naked,
Hold me close cause I need you to guide me to safety
No I wont wait forever (x2)
In the confusion and the aftermath,
You are my signal fire,
The only resolution and the only joy,
Is the faint spark of forgiveness in your eyes,
There you are standing right in front of me (x2)
All this here falls away to leave me naked,
Hold me close cause I need you to guide me to safety,
There you are standing right in front of me (x2)
All this here falls away to leave me naked,
Hold me close cause I need you to guide me to safety,
No I wont wait forever (x3)
That's all X)
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Fun and Tired
ok, enough of tht crap, so yesterday was labour day and wesak? some buddhist kinda thingy. anyways, so i woke up around 7-8? thn i use the pc dl stuff and play some games until 10. thn bath n all thse crap. thn i went for a walk until 11.45 wher i waited for Vanessa. thn we dint eat lunch and waited fer the bus to KTM. bus only came at 12.30 =.= so slwo, sat the ktm until 2? thn ate at KFC, thn left for Kelana Jaya at 3 using the PUTRA line. reached ther by 12.30. japheth picked us up and then we went to 1Utama. hahahaha keng keng, we walked the whole place errr about 4hrs+? so anyways, wanted to watch spiderman see? but the whoe thingy is booked and the only fre ticket is 1.30am hahahahaha....today! o well, screw tht, so we walked around and then saw soooo many goood food, japanese, italian, chinese, western!!! AAIIEEEE STARBUCKS!!!!! right so enough said, i went to MPH, saw lotsa manga, but no mood to buy...ahaha boring ones. and then i saw Forgotten Realms!!!! aaaiieeeee...but they dont haf the last book for the Sellswords series...=.= and they have the whole Cleric Quintet series, but tht cost me like 180? so screw that, wanted to buy the War of the Spiderqueen series a well,but it wasnt complete so screw that as weelll. so yes, sad day for books for me. thn i went over to music section. bought Passsion Hymns Ancient & Modern, thts RM40, Carpenters Gold-Greatest Hits 2CD+1DVD RM60, and lastly Lord of the Rings The Motion Picture Trilogy Soundtrack for RM131.50. so yes...ther goes my money, thn otw back, japh brought me to his church, not baddd, his dad lanja us dinner. XD lemon chicken, king pork ribs?(translete tht to chinese thn u understand), ginger and garlic steam fish, mixed veges and sizzling tofu. hahahah, mmmmm so niceee, hehhe, thnwe went bk to kacau Van, but saw Ivan instead thn we chatted. and i picked up this poor keychain. washed it a bit. and then after chatin fer a long long time hahahaha we went to pick Van and Samantha and this dude Jimmy, thn go yamcha at eastern tea corner. hahaha crapped all the way and we kacau Shaun, cos Shaun likes Van see? and he's like obsessed with her? cant take anytin to do with van, so anyways here's how it started.
Shaun: hey japh, hows life man?
Me & Japh: sory for the late reply. life's Great man!! jes had a HOT date with Vanessa ;-) we had fun the whole day bwahahahaha now we're going for supper
Shaun: wtf? i thought u were my fren man. how could you do this to me man?
(we dint reply at this moment)
Shaun: japh u ther? are u really with van right now? (or sumtin similar)
Me & Japh: yeh, right now she's eating my food.
(after that shaun tried calling japh but phone batt died.)
now in case u were wondering if i lied to shaun, i dint, cos we did had a hot date, dng we were sweating the whole place and our feets were sore. and we did have fun the whole day. and we are going to supper then. and the she's eating my food part, it the truth as well. japh ordered roti goreng( a dish using roti canai and goreng like kuey teow) she tried once and thn i ask her to try agen. she said i tried oredi but i told her its ok and so the moment the took the fork and jabbed the roti...i typed right now she's eating my food. hahahahaha, understand? its all part of a cunning plan XD
thn we went
bk and bam, i died in my room