Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Just got back from school. Today we had this CCA meet thingy which starts at 2.30 till 4.30. They told us that we MUST wear our sports attire but when I got there, all we had to do was to confirm our club activity and what we're taking then we can go. I'm like wth? Then what's the point of wearing the bloody attire and staying till 4.30?!! Anyways, I went to my classes and wasn't given any h/w, mostly were classwork and teaching. Only h/w I had was english AS which only need to define the genre of books. Did it during my ps time and waited for the rest of the sas ppl at the canteen till lunch. I am ALONE in my ps time. No friends or someone I recognise at all V_V It's sad to just sit around and listen to mp3 songs for 55 mins but what to do. Least I get to do all my work quietly. I'm going to go shower and play maple then eat dinner and play maple then sleep, continue my school life tomorrow again. It's really tiring to walk all the way down to ground floor just to get my file and my registration class is on the third floor. Oh and when I came into pte, I'm the only one who brought food from home in the sas group but now wei ting and the others are doing the same thing too wheeee!! They say it makes them hungry everytime I eat something brought from home XD It's so that I can save money and not buy crappy food they have there (no offense but tasteless fried rice is not worth my one dollar) We're also having this debate thing in pte and because of that, my eas tutor is giving us free periods to watch the debate for wednesday and thursday. And amirul and caesar is in the debate thing lol. I'm going to have fun watching them tomorrow and saturday's a holiday!!


Saturday, March 24, 2007

Furbies O_O

So I woke up early in the morning today. Didn't really do much but went to reformat my com around 8.30 in the morning.Think there's a trojan virus or some sort in it that's what the guy at the com shop told me so My cousins and I went to walk around yayasan to buy groceries and food for lunch. I didn't buy anything tho. I'm sick with coughing and nose block so I'm not really in the mood to eat at all. After yayasan, we went back home to eat and rest till around 2 plus then went back to the com shop to get my reformatted computer. While getting the com back, I went to the pet link store at kiulap and saw the animals there. There's this fish which I thought was a toy but it was breathing and moving O.o So after getting the com, we went to the bakery store next door to get something to eat. I only get a slice of pizza only. Wasn't in the mood to eat at all. Then when we went back, I have to install all the programs back then by 8 sumthing we had dinner with my uncle and aunt. After dinner they played card games and stuff with money. I don't do that sort so I went back into my room to install everything back. Am now watching my cousin play gta vice city stories then maybe gonna go shower soon. They brought their cats over btw and they're both twins. My family cat hates them dno why maybe intruding personnal space? XD school gonna start on monday O_O I'm going to have to start waking up early again u_u Hope the assesstment test isn't near yet. I havent fully understand economics yet. My econs teacher teaches badly. He speaks one sentence,stops for a while then starts a new sentence @_@ Think I understand the textbook more than him.Somehow my mind is telling me to think about furbies O_< I dno why weird eh? It just pops into my head. I'll stop here today

kelvin ^(O.O)^

Thursday, March 22, 2007

fatigue @_@

blek >.<>_>,man i swear..hes getting addcited to it everyday..lolx.after that my father tapaued lunch for me n my bro, while waiting for him i watched las vegas season 4 episode 13 ^^.so nice n funny..lol.u ppl shud watch ahaha.i then went to play maple a bit n dota till 4 from 2 oclock that is.went jogging after that, weather was quite nice..jogged around my cousin's neighbourhood then walked back home.bathed n then ate dinner where after dinner i waged war on my maths hw did around 11 questions hope to finish the other 9 tomoro as well as my bio project centrioles(pronounced Sen-twee-Ol-s) >_>,have to make a presentation on power point at least 3 slides...anyone got a pendrive i can borow,i left mine at wils hse last time n he gave it to chef wan(safwan) who is now looking for it -_-"..dont let it be lost plsssss..ZZzzzZ.
im worried about chemistry....theres gona be a test when we come back to schoool haizz.still struggling wit moles...frigging moles..shud have taken business..im better with words..aiyeeeeeee.but oh well have to try my best anyways...hopefully tomorow wud be a more productive day for me LOLS =P

Eric 'Tired' Lim >.<

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Whatever's on my mind, I speak

I like having my com in my room. It's like able to chat with ppl everyday and I'm never bored at all in terms of loneliness =D Now here's what I like to talk about today, night rain. I hate night rain. Firstly, most of my favourite television programs starts around 6 - 8 pm, and when the rain comes, astro is unable to function. Second is the fact that I like going online throughout my free time and when the rains in brunei fall, chances are that thunderstorms and lightning will happen. My com dies, whole house falls into darkness and the third thing is those insects which flies into your home for the light. I dno what they are but they sure are annoying enough to make me wish that they become extinct by next week. Least the rain is gone for now but I hope those insects won't come back. Go to the forest, you belong with your kin not with us. We squish your kind and smother them in our hands. Anyways, it seems that I'm still in brunei. My parents decided to cancel their miri trip so I'm still here in brunei u_u Least I have my computer and friends to entertain me lol. Currently streaking through friendster and reading ppl's profiles. Soon school's gonna re-open again by monday and then it's work and study for the first assessment test bummer. I'll stop here, don't want to take all the space up XD

kelvin the peasant >_>

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

300 is awesome!

It says that one picture is worth one thousand words. So here's what I saw today. Not sure if you can see it properly though.
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The movie was great to my standards. Awesome blood and gore. The leader of the persian army looked gay tho but meh he didn't ruin the movie. I woke up around 9.30 and went straight to gadong. Met eric and abu at rf then play dota till jason came then around 2 something we went for lunch and to collect our tickets. Waited for lih en and markus to arrive then went in watch the movie till around 5.30. I went back at 6.30 I think. Think I might be going down to my cousin's place tomorrow cause my parents wanna go miri so they can just drop me off at their place. If I am going, I will most definitely be back by friday cause I'm having my com to be reformatted. My uncle thinks there's a hidden trojan virus or something in my com that's why it lags sometimes. Damn you ppl post earlier than me u_u Lol. Gonna go chat with random ppl till around 11 maybe. If you haven't notice it yet, check out our html link carefully =D Read it well.

Kelvin the hobo >_>

WhACkeD up DAy

man...u guys bk in BN are so lucky!!! i had my malaysian studies presentation today....ZOMGZ!!!!! it was like dam stupid ahahahhaa, we were supposed to be the 2nd but instead went fer 1st cos of techincal problems...=.= haha, so everyone was cool n all tht, reading frm paper n stuff....but it came to my turn...said all i wanted and had a moment of hesitation..why? why?? well....i was looking bk n forth which prolly cost me some marks. anyways,...all of the sudden i shouted MERDEKA!!!! 7 times, this cos we doin on how msia got her independence. dang man....7 TIMES!!!! aaaiiieeeee...i'll neva live agen...ahahahhaa jkjk

thn stayed on fer some thingys n thn went to Office of Admission n Record to get my scholoship thing. u knw wat? the lady said its still valid! woohooo! im gonna kill the other lady mn...i swear! hahahaha, thn been boring the whole day, played LOTR:BTFM, and thn read haryyp potter book 1. pdf format. bwahaha, anyways, net wasnt working the whole freaking time until 7pm, wat useless crap assed net. MURDER!!!!! and they were wondering why we hate inti so much.. =.=

wel....tomolo econs test babes! gonna survive through it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS. i wanna watch 300! Markus an eagle? are the couples officially together? hahahaha who is the famous one??

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LOng Day

wuishhh!...its been a long day ahah.woke up this morning n bath then got dressed for gadong.i have signed up for a headstart ac in hsbc at gadong,went there to get my atm card but its not rdy yet due to some shipment being delayed zzzzz..anyways waited at rf for kelvin then went to play till 2.30 .by then we had to rush for movie me kel n jason since that fig jason doesnt want to finish the warcraft game we had fast...we collected tickets then waent to food court to eat.kel had joolibee, i had fired rice from this shawrwan stall or sumthing.so oily @_@..blek but good anyway.met up with lih en n marcus who looks mroe of an owl every day(O RLy?marcus)XD.we watched 300,damn nice man gory but nice story,fighting scenes were well developed slow motion fight O_O.the persians are lousy, no strategy at all.. sending big ass elephants when theres not enuf space to fight at all.wth -.- .

best quote(s) throughtout te movie:-"The thousand nations of the persian empire descend upon you.....our arrows will block out the sun"
-"Then we will fight in the shade"

after a few more scences
-"(laughing)I said we would fight in the shade

LOLs,anyways after that met up wit amirul n his frens..saw the famous caesar...somehow he looks familiar.?.thats all for now,have to maths homework.. zzzzz -.- hopefully finish the simultaneous equations by today got 15 of them... not in the mood

Eric 'Raven' Lim >_>

Monday, March 19, 2007

the revival of noobie_2

ok...so im in this group now...the RI gang..ahhaa, well...somehow the html link gotta be changed asap...if thts possible. ahahhaa, right and so i've found some cool words...my 1st contribution to this place after all.... hahahha,

just finished moral test today....it was one heck of a killer. ahaha

to be basic...
Motto of the Week: "Survival and put your trust in God
Tuesday : msian presentation
Wednesday : econs test cum advert on shampoo (intian night!!)
Friday : maths test
Thursday : pass up Eng. research proposal
Saturday : going down to KL and thn attend church service!
Sunday : attned Church and stuff

next week: pass up eng. annotated bibliography + many others tht are yet to come

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Hello.Finally our blog is up and running.took me a long time to do everything .now everything is just smooth ..ahh the sweet smell of success.yessss..lols >_>.gona be watching 300 tomoro.will post some more tomoro,wils ur turn.THIS IS OUR BBBLLLOOOOGGGGG!!!!! XD

Eric 'Raven' Lim

Our first blog!!!!

Look at me I'm posting!!!! XD Sarcasm there. Nice to finally have our own blog show up on the net. I guess it took sometime thinking about the name for our blog. Guess who made the url name *cough* ME *cough*. We're gonna change the name soon and hopefully edit this blog to the way we want it. Thank you and bye bye <_<

kelvin the hobo >_>

wat the
