Wednesday, August 29, 2007


It's been soooo loooong eversince that storm incident two months ago which took out my wireless and two months is enough for me to stop staring at the bloody walls around me... waiting and hoping my wireless could be fixed and returned. I couldn't wait for my cousins to bring it back anymore sooo we bought our own wireless. nyahahahaha, think we're just a bunch of humans who can't think on our own eh? j/k Soo, I currenntly forgot most of what has happen during those two lonely months and my com is lagging right now because i'm updating every single file I had on my com.(please mind the spelling mistakes)

Soo, the lastt time before my net was gone, i finally received my badges for mp and it's not that nice -.- spelling mistakes on our school motto, stupid ppl who never learn how to check the badge before giving it to our school. And currently, I am in the middle of my end of year exam week, 4 papers to go!! English is hell and I rather not go through it again, especially paper 1. Nothing to comment on and the passage was crap, all about some black dude and racism. Hate that bloody paper. Paper 2 was much better, I just used whatever imagination that comes into my mind so my story in it was that I stupidly ran into the woods, experience a thunderstorm, rode a landslide downhill and woke up in the hospital, scarred from that incident. I didn't care much about the paper anymore cause my paper 1 is instant fail -.-

On the first day, I had my geo exams, and it was 3 hours long. Not bad but the marks for each question was like 10 for max and 2 for minimum, if you can get what i mean. I am watching every word appearing on the screen of my com as it is lagging from too much updating crap, taking it 20-30 seconds to reach to the point at where I stopped typing at. Least I have my net back, no more staring at the 4 walls around me everyday, now I just need to endure this updating thing.

After my exams, it's instant holidays for 1 week. It doesn't matter, so long as I get to go out to gdg. This hellish exam has been going on for a week now and there's 2 more weeks to go -.- Okay that's all for now, pretty much forgot what I wanted to post right now XD


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