Tuesday, March 11, 2008

As mostt know...

Hello people,as usual nothing much happening happening these days.the only notable event was yvonne teo's party on last saturday night.haha,too lazy to blog abt that right now,you can ask her for the party pictures.and As mostt would know by now,i shall be posting if anythings come up or when i feel like it ahaha.As an attempt to keep the blog active XD

I had two tests yesterday.=\ Maths and biology.Maths was ok,had the formula sheet as backup...although ricky copied from me -.-.Think i did alright.Biology is another thing altogether.I took too long to do the structure questions,i almost did not have enough time to finish the essay....omggggg.i hope my essay scores high,its 15 marks O.O 3$^%E^#%$%^#&^*$^$*^&@$!@#@%.Hope my 'leaf' does well....

Today: Had classes till 3.30 today.It is so boring..chemistry especially...stupid theory.Also after today,im considering not to bring my psp to school anymore =\.i lend it to John tee during block 5 and it somehow ended up with ricky....seriously i consider this a breach of trust-.-....i was scared almost to death when i went in for maths class,only to find out that roger did not have it as Tee said that he would pass it to him.!#@%@#^@%$$&$%@#,There was no battery left when i got it back,only eight minutes,ricky must have played it during class.Now im not addicted to playing it but still when a person tells me that he is going to GIVE it back ON THAT SPECIFIC TIMe, i expect it back and NOT passed to someone else.I spent a load of money on that and i am not going to have it confiscated,stolen or broken just like that and so soon, even though that person is going to have to pay for it.You buy something,its rightfully yours,you would how you say...have a feel for the thing you bought.Call this overreacting or exaggerating,i call it saying whats on my mind right now.I seriously hope this is not going to happen again.Tee's a trustworthy person,hope that point of view doesnt change.

On happier notes,albeit a little weird,haha.Some girls were freaking out about a long tailed lizard in one of the lockers near the physic lab.haha,they wont be named,haha =p.the little bugger must have been there the whole morning,haha and yes,they eat insects not grass,maybe seeds and fruits but not grass.XD.
this is all for now


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