Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Period of the fasting month...

Pte definitely sucks with the fasting month,why do I say that? Because 95% of the students are malays so canteen is closed,can't drink water because it's like disrespect to them and break time is only 10 minutes. I'm better off going to my next class than to go to the canteen area during break time. Anyways, seems that Md is having their end of year exams while we ptebians get to relax hahaha.It's not that fun actually,least I get to go back at 12 due to fasting month thing...

Another thing I don't like about pte now is the rules.On my first day after returning to school,there was a notice added to the rules section and it says, "No mobile phones allowed in school. Students who are caught bringing these to school will be punished." My first impression: WTF?!!!! WE"RE IN FORM SIX, NOT PRIMARY OR SECONDARY!!! Seriously, that rule is dumb as hell, especially because our mobile phones are our only way to tell our parents whether we are staying back,that school has finished early or some other important stuff and we are mature students not school kids -.- I still bring my mobile phone to school though, screw that rule.

Ignoring that post, seems that we are going to have a ramadhan bazaar in pte. Think of it as econs fair, only a malay version of it and security is very tight lol.All Mps are to go for it and the bazaar will be held for 3 days,possibly around next week's wednesday, to celebrate the upcoming hari raya. It's also open to teachers and students and relatives of the students of pte only and no outsiders are allowed =/ Don't think I'll be joining it though because I don't have the proper team in pte to organise one. I'll probably be enjoying what each stall has to offer =D If there's any pictures taken, I'll try to post it up cause my dad has the digi cam with him and he just left for KK yesterday,so I'll be taking the pictures from anyone who is taking pictures for it on that day.

I signed up for a trickster account btw. It was like 2 weeks ago that I signed up for it but I haven't download the program yet. I'll probably download it when I'm free. That's all for now.


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